We’re excited to announce that the National Permanency Conference is back online this year, bigger and better than ever.

This year the National #THRIVE2022 Conference will include two days on Permanency (25 and 26 October), with the addition of a day to focus on trauma-informed Education on 27 October.

We will hear from international and local experts, the sector and the community, including those with lived experience. We will receive updates from governments around the country on progress on their commitment to permanency and better outcomes for children with an experience in government care.

There will also be panel Q&A sessions and national roundtables allowing you the opportunity to participate in sector discussions and pave the way for future discourse on the subject.

Register for the event and join us online in connecting with national guests and leaders in child welfare and ensure that your voice is at the table!


National Permanency Conference
25th & 26th October | 9:15am - 4:00pm

Location: Online

Headline speakers Dr Tracy Westermann AM and Dr Jane Aronson

  • National Commitment to Children and Young People #THRIVING – Launching #THRIVE2022
  • Integrating the voice of children and young people in decisions
  • Improving the timeliness of permanency
  • Working together for better outcomes
  • Nationally supporting families and carers
  • Bringing the village together to support families
  • Nurturing and supporting care leavers to #THRIVE

Trauma Informed Education Day
27th October  
| 9:15am - 4:00pm
Location: Online

Headline speakers Bruce D. Perry, MD. Phd and Dr Gabor Maté

  • The importance of a trauma informed inclusive environment for all children in care in schools
  • An inclusive and trauma informed education for all children in care
  • The future of education: a trauma-informed approach

If you would like to express your interest in speaking opportunities, please email us.


National Major Sponsor

State and Territory Supporting Sponsors

Young People Supporter

Supporting Sponsors

Permanency Support

Young People Supporter