Megan has worked with young people in various settings, including homelessness, Youth Justice and Education for well over a decade. In addition to her work directly with young people, Megan has extensive policy, operational and systems-level experience across sectors. Her passion for working with and alongside of young people lies in her rights- based, social justice framework and strong belief that all young people have enormous potential as contributors to our world.
Megan’s previous experience at Edmund Rice Education Australia and now with Life Without Barriers focusses on supporting innovative responses for children and young people to access education and learning that works for them. Through Megan’s consultancy work, she supports the Australian Association for Flexible and Inclusive Education (AAFIE), a member-based organisation supporting the professionals who provide a range of unique and diverse educational opportunities to young people across Australia.
Megan is also the Chairperson of the Queensland Youth Housing Coalition, Queensland’s Peak Youth Housing and Homelessness Service and holds a Social Science – Human Services degree (BSocSc), specialising in Young People and is completing her Master of Teaching (MTeach).