No need to mention names, but last year was a bit crazy, so if you weren’t able to join us for our online National Permanency Conference #THRIVE2020, you are, of course, forgiven!  

Or maybe you were able to attend, but due to—you know—life, you need a refresher on what was said. 

Well, HOLD. THE. PHONE. because Adopt Change is excited to announce that no matter what camp you are in, all eight recorded sessions from our online National Permanency Conference #THRIVE2020 will be available for you to watch anytime between July and August 2021. Just like an encore!  

By watching these encore sessions—which touch on trauma, permanency developments, and recent research and practices from across the globe—you will gain a greater understanding of how children can thrive. That’s what all children—regardless of their start in life, or current situation—deserve, right?  


  • If you registered for #THRIVE2020 or have already purchased your #THRIVE2021 ticket, you can watch the encore sessions for FREE! You just need to registeryour email so you receive the session links.   
  • If you didn’t join us for #THRIVE2020 nor have you purchased a #THRIVE2021 ticket, and would like to join the party, it’s not too late! To access the recordings of all eight sessions, please purchase your all access encore ticket here. All proceeds go towards supporting the work of Adopt Change.   


There are eight encore sessions available for you to watch any time between July and August 2021:  

Once registered, you will receive an email closer to the time with the links you need to be able to watch the #THRIVE2020 
encore sessions any time between July and August 2021.  

Thank you for your support, and for helping us to continue shining a spotlight on these issues for children and young people in care.   

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.  




Luke Carroll hosts the CULTURE session and explores the importance of connections with community and kin while speaking with guests including International keynote speaker Terry Cross and special appearance from singer/songwriter Shellie Morris. We hear from Damon Martin on considering International Kinship Care and from Emily Backhouse on her experiences with the care system.  


Luke Carroll Terry Cross Damon Martin Shellie Morris


Joe Hildebrand, host for the GROW session of our conference, focuses on how to best provide supports for children who have experienced challenging starts to life. Children need support for their education in school; and learning about their background and identity.  
Joe Hildebrand introduces us to a panel of experts to speak about these topics, including special presentations on:  

  • understanding anxiety in children by Michael Hawton;  
  • International Keynote Speaker Professor Richard Rose on Life Story Work; 
  • Jess Grace and Angela Bontea from CASPA speak about their education program for kids in care; and  
  • Robyn Smith from No FASD presents on understanding Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.  


Angela Bontea Jess Grace Joe Hildebrand Michael Hawton Richard Rose (U.K.) Robyn Smith


Helen McCabe brings our national conversation HOME discussing what home and caring for children and young people means with Adopt Change Founder Deborra-lee Furness; hearing an address from Minister Jaensch in Tasmania; from Karleen Gribble on the important bond between infants and mothers and living in two families; along with the a chat between Sallianne Deckert and Phoebe Garland about lived experience, as we close out this very special event.


The Hon. Roger Jaensch MP (TAS) Sallianne Deckert Deborra-lee Furness Phoebe Garland Karleene Gribble Helen McCabe


Melissa Doyle takes us from home to the front line, locally and abroad, in a session that explores ideas and insights, data and evidence for approaches to improving the child welfare sector and outcomes for kids. Melissa interviews:  

  • Kerry Chikarovski on the impact of domestic & family violence on children;  
  • Tamena Yarak on child protection practitioner learnings within a culturally and linguistically diverse framework; and 
  • Kelly-Anne Stewart and Kelly Walker from Department of Communities & Justice NSW talk about the importance of nurturing relationships between children and mothers during time in custody.  

We hear from International keynote speaker Dr Jessica Pryce as she speaks about strengthening families by ensuring racial equity;

Mark Galvin and Melissa Kaltner from EY and Claire Robbs from Life Without Barriers discuss their project to support data-informed placement decision making that better meets children’s needs;  

and we cross to South Australia to hear from Minister Rachel Sanderson on permanency updates. 


Melissa Doyle Kerry Chikarovski The Hon Rachel Sanderson (SA) Dr Jessica Pryce Tamena Yarak Claire Robbs Melissa Kaltner Mark Galvin


Join Media Host Angela Bishop as we hear from Queensland Minister Di Farmer and Shadow Minister Stephen Bennett.  
Angela will then introduce us to Ambassadors Jack Thompson and Brad Murphy as they share some lived experience insights into foster care and adoption.  
Then join Helen Baker (Director, Mum and Adoptee), as she facilitates a national Q&A session with government representatives to hear about the state of nation regarding our commitment to prioritising permanency for kids in care. Participants include DSS and NSW, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA and NT governments.   

The Hon. Di Farmer MP (QLD) Helen Baker Sue Barr Stephen Bennett Angela Bishop Julieanne Davis Rachael Green (WA) Brad Murphy Mr Brenton Philp Claire Robbs Jack Thompson Simone Walker Shane D Wilson


Louise Ransome guides us through this session exploring stability and nurture in permanency – from speaking with Julie Hourigan-Ruse about early family support, through to considerations in permanency with Dr Amy Conley-Wright, integrated birth certificates with Fariba Gharakhani and a message from Minister Ward in NSW.




Louise Ransome Julie Hourigan Ruse Amy Wright Fariba Gharahkani


Join Host Daniella Boutros as we explore the importance of PLAY for children, which is also one of their rights. 
After hearing an address from Minister McGurk from Western Australia, we cross to worldwide renowned child welfare expert Dr Jane Aronson in New York; from a kitchen in Sydney with special guests including Dr Stacy Blythe and Kaisey Hayes zooming in from lockdown in Victoria. 
We also hear from Ambassador, Actor & Adoptee Zufi Emerson as she interviews Executive Producer and adoptive father Jason Herbison on the recent foster and permanent care storyline in Neighbours. We wrap things up with energetic Eric Bailey with his views on play and life experiences.


Daniella Park The Hon Simone McGurk BA(Arts) BA(Comms) MLA (WA) Jane Aronson (New York, USA) Zufi Emerson Jason Herbison Stacy Blythe Eric Bailey Kaisey Hayes


Join Lanai Scarr, respected journalist who spent part of her childhood in the care system, as she takes us through the launch of the THRIVE session of the National Permanency Conference.

Start the THRIVE journey with an official address from The Hon Michelle Landry MP; acknowledgment of country with Professor Paul Chandler; and official welcome from Adopt Change CEO Renee Carter.

To better understand the experiences of living in care, we will head to Beulah Ranch on the Central Coast of NSW, where we start our journey by hearing from Joel de Carteret, Emily Paul, Daniel 'D Minor' Harvey and Greg Floyd, President of Cowboys 4 Kids.

Lanai Scarr The Hon Michelle Landry MP Renee Carter Professor Paul Chandler Joel de Carteret Emily Hikaiti Daniel ‘D Minor’ Harvey Greg Floyd