
Time Event session Country
9:50am Attendees login  
10:00am – 10:05am


of Country

Michelle Stacpoole
Head of Communications and Events
My Forever Family NSW

Kylie Anderson
Carer Support Manager (Training and Resources)
My Forever Family NSW

10:05am – 10:10am

CEO Welcome

Renee Carter
CEO Adopt Change operating
My Forever Family NSW

10:10am – 10:15am Welcome from the
Department of
Communities and Justice
Stuart Malcher
A/Executive Director
Child and Family Strategy, Policy & Commissioning, Department of Communities and Justice
10:15am – 11:00am Minister’s
The Hon. Kate Washington
Minister for Families and Communities MP
11:00am – 11:45am Plenary 1:
Services and supports
for children & young
people in your care

Emily Hikaiti
Careleaver and Advocate

Joanne Huging
Statewide Coordinato Out-of-Home Care Health Pathway Program
NSW Ministry of Health

Cynthia Mifsud
Assistant Director,
Psychological and Specialist Services
NSW Department of Communities and Justice

Sue Buratti
Program Manager Therapeutic Services
Australian Childhood Foundation

Jade Thompson
Head of Child Health Services
Royal Far West

Anne Nelson
A/Child Protection Out-of-Home Care Advisor
NSW Department of Education

11:45am – 12:30pm Plenary 2:
Avenues for agency
engagement, advocacy
& complaints
(exclusive to carers)

Loren Dumbrell

Carer Support Manager Engagement and Advocacy
My Forever Family NSW

Lakin Orcher
Project Manager
Practice and Advocacy, AbSec – NSW Child, Family and Community Peak Aboriginal Corporation

Scott Wheeler
Client Feedback Manager

Abigail Grimes
Senior Operations Manager, Ministerial and Feedback Unit
Department of Communities and Justice

Anne Kakaire
Senior Investigation Officer
Complaints and Resolution Branch, NSW Ombudsman’s Office

Steve Kinmond
NSW Children’s Guardian Associate Professor

Dr Stacy Blythe
Experienced Carer

12:30pm – 1:00pm Lunch Break  
1:00pm – 1:45pm Plenary 3:
Financial supports
& opportunities for
carers, children &
young people in OOHC

Mel Pearce

Sharon Bennett
Senior Policy Officer, Carer Support and Care Leavers
Department of Communities and Justice

Dahlia Bahgat
Grandparent, Foster and Kinship Carer Adviser

Katie Mears
Manager NSW South, Engagement and Family Support
Department of Communities and Justice

1:45pm – 1:55pm Plenary 4:
Carer Reference
and Carer Support

Loren Dumbrell
Carer Support Manager Engagement and Advocacy
My Forever Family NSW

Kylie Anderson
Carer Support Manager (Training and Resources)
My Forever Family NSW

Lakin Orcher
Project Manager
Practice and Advocacy, AbSec – NSW Child, Family and Community Peak Aboriginal Corporation

1:55pm – 2:00pm Wrap up and
next steps
Renee Carter
Adopt Change operating My Forever Family NSW