The My Forever Family NSW Sector Forum is an online event to engage with sector partners and program stakeholders about the My Forever Family NSW program and discuss key sector priorities for the 2023-2024 FY, including carer recruitment.
The forum is being held online on 23 May 2023 at 10am and will include:
- An overview of the My Forever Family NSW Program, including information about our recruitment, training, carer support work
- A focus on recruitment, including an opportunity for sector leaders to discuss challenges and opportunities
- A focus on carer support, including an explanation of our individual advocacy process
- An outline of our priorities and planned activities in 2023 and beyond, including our suite of recruitment campaigns
- Highlights from the 2022 Carer Survey Report of Findings
Please RSVP by 5 May 2023.
The agenda and speaker details will be circulated prior to the event.