What teenagers need to Thrive?
Date & Time
Thursday, October 28, 2021, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Emily Backhouse -
Danielle Draper - Continuum Consulting Australia
Emily Hikaiti -
Feonyx Holden -
Danielle Schmid -
Danielle Draper - Continuum Consulting Australia
Emily Hikaiti -
Feonyx Holden -
Danielle Schmid -
This is the final in the series of National Favourites Online Loungerooms and one that you don't want to miss. As parents and carers of teenagers with difficult backgrounds, what can we do to help them thrive? How do we help them navigate friendships, seek out positive relationships, connect, thrive at school and look after their own mental health? This is a rare opportunity, where you will hear from lived experience mentors who can tell us if this is normal teenage behaviour or something more.
Session Type
🖥 Side Sessions
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