The Foster and Kinship Care Week Picnic is an annual event in NSW, launching Foster and Kinship Care Week.
Each year the picnic brings together carers and their families to celebrate the valuable work they do to provide safe, nurturing and stable homes for vulnerable children and young people.
This year, in light of Covid-19 and social distancing requirements, we’re going virtual! BYO picnic and join us online on Sunday 13th September for an afternoon of fun and entertainment! Join us for online entertainment and to connect with carer families across NSW.
Register as a family or a group of up to 10 people (socially distanced of course!).
We can’t wait to see you there!
Virtual Details
Hear from The Hon. Gareth Ward, Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services, along with other special guests as we celebrate our community of carer families.
There are prizes including lucky door and "best dressed". Kids and families are encouraged to attend wearing your favourite mask (super hero, cartoon character, etc), to join the fun and be in the running for prizes.
Winners of the Carer Recognition Awards will also be announced.
Download your picnic background so you don't have to worry about cleaning up any mess behind you!