Full Name
Ellie White
Job Title
Legal Practitioner and Lived Experience Advocate
Speaker Bio

Born into the world as an adoptee, Ellie’s was placed for adoption at a few days old and was welcomed into a family who set the stage of her life’s purpose. Raised with the knowledge of her adoption and the profound gratitude for a permanent home, Ellie was instilled with a sense of responsibility to ensure that others were given the same opportunity to find the same safety and stability.

At the current age of 24 years old and with over 4 years of experience in the legal field, Ellie’s journey led to her to specialising in personal injury law. For the last 2.5 years, Ellie has specialised in personal injury law at a Nationwide firm called Littles Lawyers. Littles Lawyers specialises solely in all personal injury claims which can include motor vehicle accidents, workplace incidents as well as child abuse claims arising from unsafe homes, foster care environments and general non-home-based care.

She has seen firsthand the far-reaching consequences of trauma, abuse, injuries, and neglect on a child's development. Through her advocacy, Ellie strives to shine a light on the lifelong repercussions that can stem from trauma and injuries, carrying over into adulthood and affecting one's entire life trajectory. Ellie is hopeful that if enough victims of child abuse have the courage to come forward to seek damages (which are rightfully theirs), it will encourage others to speak out against the abuse they became victims to, allowing them to receive the financial freedom to remedy and redirect their futures.

Overall, Ellie envisions a future where no child is denied their basic rights and where every child’s voice is heard and protected. At the minimum she believes victims of personal injury (such as abuse) are not left to suffer without recourse.

Ellie White