Full Name
Tamena Yarak
Job Title
Executive Manager Out of Home Care / Permanency Support Program
Creating Links
Speaker Bio
Tamena started her Community Services career working as a Service Coordinator for NSW Home Care Services
- In 1989 she commenced work as a Respite Care Coordinator for the Family and Community Services which encompassed child protection and disability.

- In 1991 she was asked to do a secondment in child protection and fell in love with the work. She commenced work as child protection worker. Throughout this time she was a member a State Task Force to deal with the emergence and complex issues of female gender mutilation.

- In early 2000, she was asked to join the Out Of Home Care Team at Bankstown CSC. At first she thought it would be too boring as child protection was so exiting and varied. What she soon learnt was OOHC was complex and challenging and she has been committed to the program care since.

- Her role at Creating Links is to lead the Out Of Home Team and ensure the focus is now permanency , ensuring this is in line with the children `s best needs and not about members.

- Tamena’s focus is to ensure children and young people have all their needs met and they can enjoy all benefits offered to children and young people not in OOHC. She also is committed to reduce the number of children and young people in hotels and have more foster carers interested in offering a child/ young person a safe and nurturing home.
Tamena Yarak