Rachel Sanderson was elected to the South Australian Parliament as the Member for Adelaide in 2010.
She was appointed as the Minister for Child Protection in the Marshall Government, in March 2018.
Over the years, Rachel served as a Shadow Minister in the portfolios of Families and Child Protection; Social Housing; Volunteers; Youth; and Higher Education, Science and the Information Economy.
Rachel undertook an overseas study tour to meet government departments and community stakeholders in child protection, social housing and domestic violence, learning more about policies and programs that were bringing good results and how they could be translated to South Australian systems.
Prior to entering politics Rachel worked as an accountant and financial manager before venturing into small business and starting her own Agency and Training school.
Rachel is passionate about helping people and has been actively involved in delivering for Meals on Wheels for many years. She is also a member of many community organisations in her electorate and an active volunteer for the Prospect Blair Athol Lions Club, HYPA, the South West Community Centre, St Luke’s Mission, Hutt Street Centre, the CWA and Neighbourhood Watch.
She established the Adelaide chapter of Operation Flinders and has been instrumental in raising community support and funds for the program, sponsoring a number of youth at risk each year through her annual quiz night. She maintains strong connections with the children, young people and community she serves.